Thursday, December 23, 2010

End of the year post

This year has been different. I am writing the final poems to my first book of poetry. I plan to submit for publication during the beginning of the year.

I have made some new friends and learned new things about old ones.

I've grown as a woman, artist, mom, human.

Love has a master's class that I so hope to pass someday.

I am grateful for everything I have...and look forward to sharing with others.

Monday, November 8, 2010


I am pleased to announce that my poem "Tease" was nominated for Dzanc Books Best of the Web 2011 by Diverse Voices Quarterly.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


October began with rain, a concert from the Brown Thrashers, and a cool breeze. I am sore from moving this weekend but I do plan to write something later. The weather is getting colder and my suffering will begin.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


The last few weeks have beem a whirl wind. I am still standing. My computer which holds all of my new work and much of my old died and I am working to retrieve it. I am not sending work out because I am spending the summer working on books. I have several new projects I am excited about.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Next Saturday I Become

Next Saturday, I will be 34 years old. I don't mind getting older because I find honor in becoming an elder. I plan to remain intelligent and beautiful, the way I am now. The writing is going great. I hope to have an amazing manuscript completed by the end of the summer, maybe two. I will keep you posted on everything.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

New Steps

I am dedicating this summer to writing books. Although my life is quite busy, I feel it is time. I have several wonderful friends/amazing artists who are all pushing me forward. So stay tuned for news of new books forthcoming.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Adventures

I would like to announce that I will be co-editor of Differentia Press with the amazing and prolific poet Felino A. Soriano. My post began today. We have several collections to catch up before we will open for submissions again. I will announce when we are open.

I would also like to announce that I will be the new poetry editor for Leaf Garden Press. My tenure will begin with Issue 11. Currently, I am a guest editor with several others for issue 10. I look forward to seeing quality submissions from all of my readers whomever you are.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Life Lesson

Recently, two great poets Lucille Clifton and Ai died. I was planning to reach out to the poet Ai to let her know of the sketches I had written of two of her poems. My life has been crazy and extremely unbalanced. I thought I had time to send her the email. She died in March. I missed an opportunity to converse with an amazing poet. I can't help but ponder what else I have missed that I can never regain. To Lucille and Ai-peace be unto your spirits.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

BlazeVox Acceptance!

I have work forthcoming in BlazeVox's Spring issue 2010! This is an honor for me because I love the work that the journal produces as well as their chapbooks. I have friends who have published there and I wanted my name to be added to the list. The day has come! Oh happy day. Writers if you are looking for a choice journal to for your work send it over to BlazeVox. You can check them out at

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Guest Editor

I am a guest editor for issue 10 at Leaf Garden Press! If you are a writer please consider submitting.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Two new poems up at Houston Literary Review

I have two new poems published in the April issue of Houston Literary Review. Check them out here

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Profile by Constance Stadler On Calliope Nerve

I am so honored to have a profile and analysis of three poems by the amazing Constance Stadler. I share a few personal stories in the profile. You can read it at

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Two Poems

Two poems and amazing artwork by the artist Never can be seen on Calliope Nerve. Go to

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

New Series

I have a new series I am working on where I write poems to poems I enjoy. I will post links were some of these are published. Well it snowing for the fourth time this winter in Georgia. It has never snowed this much in Georgia in all of my life. I have some exciting new projects forthcoming. I am slow about posting things here, but I am going to work on doing better. Keep watching. Here is a link to one of the sketches:

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Upcoming Chapbook

My first chapbook is forthcoming with Differentia Press. I am more than 50% complete with the writing. I am excited about the project because I am featuring art from my favorite graffiti artist in Atlanta-Never. More to come soon.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

First Publication Acceptance of 2010

I think I have managed to write my first poem that is absent of pain. I said I think...
Thanks Molly Gaudry over at Willows Wept Review.